Re: Overdrive Issue...R11
Posted by HH56 On 2024/5/14 11:14:35
Electrically make sure the lockout switch is working. Remove one of the wires and use an ohmmeter so you can test that when the OD knob is pulled out the switch will be open or have no continuity but when knob is pushed in the switch will close.
The plunger is plastic and in several instances it was found that a notch had worn in the end of the plunger so that the plunger would not travel the entire distance. Issue was the switch either would not close or else vibration would intermittently open and close the switch. The symptom would be the same as if the governor was not working.
Here is the difference between a good and bad switch. If the switch is only slightly worn and the lockwasher is still present you can usually unscrew the switch and remove the lockwasher to get a bit more life out of the switch. Some switches just unscrew but others need to have a bent over tab straightened so the switch can turn and unscfrew.
Attach file:
R9 AND R11 good lockout switch.jpg (266.62 KB) R9 and R11 worn lockout sw.jpg (52.50 KB)
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