Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil

Posted by 53 Cavalier On 2024/9/13 15:57:47
"If" Slatewood's problem was head gasket related, that would mean that the water jacket leaked to a head stud and down the head stud into the crankcase, but not into a cylinder as he didn't have any white smoke. While I'm sure it's possible, it just doesn't seem probable to me, and that something else was/is the problem.

At this point considering everything that's been reported I can only guess that there was a small leak in the block that is now sealed.

Slatewood, we'll be praying to the Packard god's that when you put it back together, everything is okay! I'm sure you don't want another round of this craziness! Time to get your car on the road!!!

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