Need Help w/R9 OD Control Unit

Posted by Michal On 2010/6/16 12:00:35
So my OD Relay Unit looks like it's been to hell & back. $625 quoted from Kanter... brand new. Now, I know this is a rare animal, and I'm grateful shops like Kanter are providing the service they do, but I'm hoping to start cruising in OD for a bit less cashola. I'm not even above re-working the circuit with a manual switch or two but thought I'd see what the crew here has to say first...

We're talking 2 straight-forward relays inside a metal box... gotta be some way to restore the functions they perform for less than $600. I plan on studying the schematics and thinking outside the box if need be. Maybe there's a shop somewhere willing to rebuild mine? How 'bout a Packard wrecking yard where one can be swiped off a junker?

Open to any ideas... thanks as always,

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