Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube

Posted by gone1951 On 2010/9/21 16:10:17
If the head gasket leaks, it usually goes the other way: upon firing tongues of flame shoot into the coolant and heat the coolant rapidly. This gives overheating and a lot of bubbles in the radiator neck.

Not really thought about it that way before. My experience with blown or leaking head gaskets was to find water in the cylinder and also water in the oil causing the oil to be milky brown in color. Also the bubbles in the radiator as well. I have pulled the plug out of a cylinder that had water leaking into the cylinder and found that the plug was super clean as compared with others where there was no leak. ( same engine ) The cleaning was due to the plug being steam cleaned to death. The plug looked new.

I agree that the compression pressure is much greater than the water pressure in the cooling system however the compression and power stroke only account for 1/2 the time. There is still the intake and exhaust strokes where the pressure is less.

Comments?? Where is Eric?? Always enjoy his comments.

Again only my opinion.

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