Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube

Posted by BigKev On 2010/9/21 16:37:53
I had a honda that I drove for about 3 months on a leaking head gasket. What it would do is when the motor was hot, it would leak cylinder pressure into the water jacket, pressurizing the coolant, and blowing coolant pass the cap and into the overflow bottle. After a couple of days it would loose enough coolant, that it would then start to overheat. At which time, I would simple pour the contents of the overflow bottle back into the radiator, and I would be fine for a few more days. (It's what you have to do when you don't have the money to get it fixed).

The strange thing was that you could never detect the leak when the motor was cold, and it never leaked fluid into the cylinder. It was a one-way leak from the cylinder into the water jacket.

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