Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube

Posted by aljcampo On 2010/9/24 16:14:30
Hi, I have the 2262-9 with a 288 motor. I have the distribution tube out and the waterpump removed. I am replacing the backing plate on the waterpump because it is eroded and the exit hole for the water is too big and not a good shape (it seems to have been modified poorly). The new backing plate exit hole is almost the perfect shape of the front of the distribution tube. But the distribution tube has two small tabs bent at right angles on the flat side of the tube. When I removed the water pump the distribution tube was flush against the block and the two tabs were captured between the block and the backing plate of the waterpump.
1. Is this the correct position for the tube to be mounted with the tabs captured between the block and the backing plate of the waterpump?
2. Is it possible to mount the waterpump with the distribution extending through the backing plate and the tabs fitting inside the waterpump? This would make a much better fit and better transfer of water into the distribution tube but it might be very difficult to get the water pump/distribution tube mounted. It would move the distribution tube forward about 1/8" and slightly change the location of the water outlet holes inside the motor a small amount. Which is the correct way to mount it, #1 or #2?

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