1948 Packard 22nd Series windshield and rear window chrome inserts

Posted by Michael Evans On 2010/9/24 7:19:14

Now we are getting to the tail end of my restoration we seem to be hitting quite a few silly little snags - very annoying !

This one concerns the windshield and rear window chrome inserts to the new Steele Rubber surrounds. After a lot of prep.time, stuggling, pushing, cracking one piece of the windshield, waiting time for latter etc. the glass was in and the rubbers nice and straight - - - AH ! but the chrome which had come out so easily refuses to go back.

I have the Service Manual Section IV but P24-P27 makes no mention of the chrome pieces.

Anyone out there any ideas about what we are doing wrong ? or perhaps a secret tip or two on how to achieve ?

Best regards Michael

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