Re: Ultramatic Parts Question
Posted by fred kanter On 2010/11/9 1:30:51
Thanks for you nice comments on our Ultramatic Kits. Due to the reliability of the 55-56 units, I propose we change the name to Ul-traumatic.
A few notes here: The early 23rd series Ultramatics did not have replaceable bushings in the clutch drum etc. They were thin bronze bushings an you had to replace the entire part or bore the part to receive the later thick babbitt/steel or bronze/steel bushings. You will not find any reference to this in the parts books and I've never seen it in the Service Counselor. Packard did not offer the thin bushings and neither do we.
Our kits contain the normal wearing parts such as offerred in the transmission industry for doing Ford/Chev/GM etc. We have all the other parts too.
Historical note: Packard was the first with the "lock-up" converter/Direct Drive. When the oil crisis hit in the 70's, Ford bought a '54 Packard to study it and created their version to achieve better mileage. Again, Packard led the way. A famous name is connected with the refinement of the Ultramatic, John Delorean who worked on East Grand Blvd.
Keep your Packard ALL Packard, not Torqueflites please!
Fred Kanter
Kanter Auto Products
Boonton NJ
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