PS Mrs. Delorean whose husband John worked on the Ultramatic aluminum case development is ocming to visit us soon, she lives locally.
Can she use one of her husband's cars to go back in time and save Packard?!
Also, if she goes back, please ask them, when they're designing the Ultramatic, to make it start in low then shift automatically and smoothly, like a TH350 with a nice lockup converter.
And make some extra TV linkage rods for the 1950 model so i'll be able to find one now.
Also, if she has a chance to stop along in like 2001-2002, ask her to find younger me and tell me that the 68 cutlass will never run again and that when i meet the first girl i proposed to, don't.
I'll check back to this thread shortly to see if she was able to change the past.
Edit: No changes yet, although i'd think they'd be instant in our time.
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