Re: ENGINE: 327 1948

Posted by fred kanter On 2010/11/14 8:24:52

Your general question abot is it possible to get an ond engien to act like new. Yes, but to do that many expensive things have to be done. I think the reasopnable question is do you want a virtually brand new engine or an excellent performing engine, good power, no leaks, no visible smoke?

First this is to oil the cylinders before turning over to avoid breaking rings or pistons. Remove all spark plugs, pour in abuot 1oz of Marvel Mystery Oil or a mixture of Transmission Fluid and brake fluid. Let the car sit a day or two. Try bto turn motor over by pullong on fan, may have to put some tension on belt with yoiu other hand. If you cannot free it up, remove cylinder head and check fo rust. If free,change oil, filter, then try to rotate engien with starter. DO NOT ATTMEPT TO START REMOVE CIL WIRE. otate engine wih starter one or two revolutions, listnen for "bad noises" If OK, rotate 10-20 times. Replace coil wire, remove air cleanner pour in samll amt of gas (2 oz) REPLACE AIR CLEANER THIS IS MOST IMPROTANT AS A FLASHBACK FIRE CAN RESULT ADN THE A/Clnr WILL CONTAIN IT. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO START WHEN INSIDE A BUILDING. MHNAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHER HANDY.

Replace plugs, try to start. If it doesn;t even fire, file points with a point file only, never sandpaper etc. check for spark. if it starts and doesn;t run long, check fule system.

get it running to get th oil out of the cylinders, diagnose condition, leaks, compression etc etc

Good Luck'

Fred Kanter
Kante Auto Products
Boonton NJ

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