Re: 1950 6-Cyl Packard Motor.

Posted by fred kanter On 2010/11/30 23:03:13
The oversize filter canister is curcumstantial evidence that this is a truck engine.

There sems to be a problem with the site, recognized experts such as Bob Neal shoiuld be consulted before 3 or 4 pages of conjecture are aired and wasted. When I first foung the site there were many many pages of damaging misinformation
about Kanter Autpo Products and Egge. Nobody from the site had contacted either of us. I seems to me that rather than getting information from the horses mouth, many members would rather pepper the airwaves with wild guesses. Is this a site to help all of us be more knowledgable or is it just to while the time away regardless of the consequences. Go figure.

Fred Kanter
Kanter Auto Products
Boonton NJ

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