Re: Packard versus the Rest

Posted by PackardV8 On 2010/12/6 15:50:26
quote from first post:
"In the list of all time American Greats, like Cadillac, Chevy, Pontiac, etc , how does the Packards compare ..."

An age old debate that rages on among many different cars.
What always surprises me is that in nearly every such question always includes Chevy for some reason.
NOTE! That up until 1965 Chevy was never touted, marketed, nor in any other way claimed to be ANY form of luxury, prestige or high end car with any concept of opulence in any way shape form or fashion by anyone anywhere.

Plymouth, dodge, MErc or ford is rarely ever mentioned in luxury car comparisons.

Packard was a luxury car. A car of prestige and opulence and well deserved during its reign.

However, one mite conclude that since Chevy always seems to be some kind candidate for comparison (in any type of car comparison debate) then perhaps there is an unspoken widespread and subconscious belief that the chevy is in someway the superior car of all times.

OR to put it another way:
"Why buy a Cadillac when u can buy a Caprice for 7even dollars more."

OR this one:
" About the only difference between the Cadillac and a Chevy is the seats and the price."

I sure as hell won't argue about the seats. I've drove and ridden in alot of chevies. WORST damned seats i ever sat on in my life.

Bottom line: Strange isn't it that chevy, more often than not is used as a yard stick or standard for comparison to just about everything????

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