Re: '48 Electrical System Polarity

Posted by HH56 On 2011/4/18 15:56:48
The readings are not bad although with the bulb still in the circuit, the .3 ohms on 4 could be the bulb rather than solenoid and solenoid could still be open.

R9's could have mechanical issues if things went wrong electrically. Usual case was if something shorted in that relay 5 string of switches and OD failed to drop out or was still engaged when going into reverse. If this happened, the OD could lock up. Apply more gas or power trying to move with it locked and damage could result. This was the reason for the reverse safety switch to drop all power to OD when reverse was selected. Otherwise, it would seem that OD was in use a lot of years without too many problems. Going to the R11 eliminated the electrical problem because the electrical and mechanical parts are quite different.

If the solenoid has been removed before and improperly installed, it is possible that is the problem. It does have to be energized to catch the pawl but there is also a spacer that has caused problems. It will go on 180 degrees out and all looks proper but solenoid only works if it is in the correct orientation. The EconoDrive training manual can give some guidance on reinstalling if you have not already downloaded

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