The front seat 1948 Packard 22nd Series Touring Sedan

Posted by Michael Evans On 2011/3/22 5:34:27

I have now removed the front seat of my 22nd Series Touring Sedan. The idea was to just get into all the small areas to clean it and the upholstery, but I've hit a snag.

The mechanism for the seat to slide seems to be jammed and I can't really see how the thing moves on the tracks which are bolted to the floor.

Can anyone enlighten me as to how the mechanism works ?

I have tried the lever at the side and it doesn't do anything, also it is very loose and seems a fragile thing to me to move such a large and heavy seat so I don't want to put too much pressure on it in case I break it.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

Best regards Michael

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