Re: Air Cleaner

Posted by kens53clip On 2011/4/8 19:36:31
I own a 53 Clipper Deluxe 4 door same model as you and it came with a oil mesh air filter when I bought it. Like you, I wanted to replace the oil mesh filter with a paper one. You may find one to exactly fit, but if you do, you have done better than me. I went to a cooperative clerk at our local NAPA store and the closest we could come to an air filter that would fit was NAPA Gold Air Filter 6023. Only problem with NAPA Gold Air Filter 6023 is that it is a bit too tall. When you put the domed top over the air filter, the domed air filter top hits the hood. To use 6023, you would have to replace the domed air filter top with a flat air filter top, which would not exactly be stock. I may also have used an extension on the fastening bolt, I don't remember for sure. I suppose you can use the flat air filter top when you "go", and replace it with the oil mesh and the dome top when you "show". Or you could do like I eventually did, which was buy an oil bath air filter which is authentic which provides better filtration than the oil mesh, but not as good as a paper filter. There's a picture of my oil bath air filter that I bought on eBay in my project blog if you want to see it. I have heard that K & N Filters will build custom filters, so that might be another alternative. If anyone has found a paper filter that fits the oil mesh air cleaner on this car I would like to hear about it. Hope that helps!

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