Re: Pro's/Con's of the '51 Patrician and Ultramatic
Posted by John Harley On 2011/5/23 21:29:22
I owned a low mileage 51 200 for about 4 years. It was very comfortable and a fine open road car. You will find that they like to creep up to about 70 mph if your'e not paying attention....
The steering is very light after the car gets moving and should run straight as an arrow. The Ultramatic is pokey when starting from a stop but gets better as the car picks up speed. My car was very reliable
I'm very fond of the styling of the 51's and 52's. My grandmother had one when I was little and even as a child I appreciated the understated styling. Patricians are relatively rare and you won't see yourself coming down the road often
John Harley
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