servicing the front turn signal lights on a 51
Posted by David Grubbs On 2011/5/23 22:13:31
The front parking lights/turn signals on my 51 were in lousy condition - sometimes they would work and sometimes not. I found that O'Riley sells a light socket CTI 85003 that is almost a dead ringer for the courtesy lights under the dash. The only difference is that the courtesy lights have two uniform side prongs, the front lights have two elements with an upper and lower prong. I took a small screwdriver and tap hammer and tapped around the lip of the light socket. In just a few seconds, the socket was out. You should be able to reach the wires behind the chrome surround. I installed a longer wire to make it easier to reach. I installed the replacement socket, using JB Weld to adhere it. The new unit had prongs around the lip, which I removed. I had to solder it in several places after the epoxy had set in order to ground it. Now I have a nice bright park light and turn signal.
Just make sure you test it before soldering the wires and putting the shrink tubing on it - the turn signal should be the dimmer light, and the turn signal the brighter one. And it won't work if you don't solder the socket to the chrome!
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