Re: Checking transmission fluid

Posted by fred kanter On 2011/9/21 19:52:52

I try to bring reason to discussions in many areas of my life. In my OPINION, many people get scared about things that they need not. For example non-zinc oils- we sell engine parts for all makes and have seen no skyrocketing of bearing sales (wish we did). In my OPINION this is a non-problem. Non-leaded gas, when it was mandated there was a rush to have hardened valve seats installed and stainless valves to prevent inevitable catastrophies----that never happened. Amoco sold non-lead for years and engines did just fine.
Bendix Treadle Vac- Maintain the system well, have it rebuilt by a competent rebuilder etc etc

Fluid level in 50-54 for resaons explained

I have 51 years experience and yes I can be wrong. When I ma, I set the record straight. What I' trying to do is sepatate the REAL problems from the IMAGINED ones.

FRAM/SCAM filters. In my opinion after examining much evidence and internet posts, there is no problem. Just a bunch of misguided individuals who get their jollies trying to tear down the leader in filters, FRAM, and another bunch of brainless "me to's" .

Now perhaps we can all try to solve some real problem or source a scarce part.

"It is the person with the unpopular , controvertial view who persists that often causes progress." A paraphrase of a famous quote, forgot who????

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