Re: Scraping away the crud (frame-off resto people can skip this post!)
Posted by Rusty O\'Toole On 2008/6/8 20:30:39
I use a cheap electric pressure washer (under $200 bucks). The secret is to hook it up to the hot water. I had to add a bibb valve in my basement to do this. Use a real good quality garden hose, you don't want to take a chance on it bursting under the stress.
This works as well as a steam cleaner.
Of course a real good gas powered washer works better but you would be surprised what a job the little guy can do when you add hot water.
Scrape off as much as you can get with a putty knife and screwdriver then blast away. The scraping saves an awful lot of washing.
When you get done you may have to dig out a few more gobs of grease then wash the bad spots again.
You want to dry it off and paint it as soon as possible or the metal will rust up overnight. If you can't paint right away spray it with oil or WD40.
Now I am talking about old grease and oil here. If there is factory undercoating, or even aftermarket undercoating, LEAVE IT provided it is not peeling or rusting underneath.
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