Re: Fuel Pump

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2012/5/12 17:32:11
I've also wondered occasionally about the partially full filter bowls (on the pressure side) as well, but never had a fuel problem despite the fact that there was usually some air at the top.

As to "sediment" bowls, they are invariable on the suction or intake side of pump and never show any air space. Senior Packards up until about 1939 used glass bowls with a fine brass screen above to prevent fluid turbulence from allowing any of the sediment to pass on into the pump internals. Most of the double action post war pumps use a metal cup sediment bowl, again with a screen. But the filter you discuss with the pleated paper element that "floats" must be improperly sized or installed, the element fits securely to the casting at the top so that no fuel can get around it. Take it apart and I suspect you'll find the problem.

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