Re: treadle vac brakes

Posted by PackardV8 On 2012/5/26 9:41:30 ... orum=2&post_id=23015#forumpost23015

Take a look at the above thread. THis particular BTV problem is NOT an isolated problem. Been at least 3 reports of this particular problem over the last 3 or 4 years. AS well as many other problem reports.

In this particular case (from the link above ) the unit was rebuilt by a qualified rebuilder in 2003. By early 2009 the problem occured. Less than 6 years.

SO that places us back to the recommendation of draining and flushing the entire system every 6 months to 2 years and rebuilding the BTV unit every 3 to 5 years.

Altho i am most tempted to agree with that recommendation it labels the BTV as a high maintence/short service life component FOR PACKARD applications only. Such chronic problems do not seem to occur on other NON Packard applications of the BTV.

OR, there is something else wrong with the recommended rebuilding service procedures and/or parts used in the process.

1. If BTV is a shortlife, hi maintenance component then in plain english it's junk and therefore in the reasoning of the saftey gaurds of the world inherently a safety hazard BY ORIGINAL DESIGN.

2. IF there is a problem in the service procedures or parts used then it needs to be identified and corrected.

IT's either point 1. or point 2 above. Something i missed over the last 14+ years of BTV discussions.???

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