Re: 56 Hardtop Side Roof Rail Weatherstrip

Posted by Warren Jones On 2012/7/15 22:08:26
I appreciate the detailed response Howard. Your photo's provide a good representation of the section view of the weatherstrip and your solution seems to have worked fine.

As I only have a weatherstrip for one side only, my plan of attack will be to pursue the option of trying to find a suitable modern rubber equivalent first. The lead that Mal put me onto (Spectrum Rubber) seem to have a very extensive product line. I'll also endevour to see if any of the more common makes (Ford, Chev etc) make a similar seal which can be utilised. I would assume that most hard top window frames wpuld be a similar thickness...

If I cannot find anything that suits, I'll then have to try and procure another second hand one so that I have both sides and will then recover similar to what you have done as this seems to have been quite effective. Whatever I end up with, I shall share with the Forum to share the knowledge. Thanks again.


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