Re: '56 Patrician Brakes

Posted by PackardV8 On 2012/10/16 5:48:54
" I swapped the front drums, shoes and bearings left to right, and readjusted. "

Were the wheels and tires swapped from front to rear or side to side too or strictly the drums, shoes and bearings only????

As for the wheel cylinder size variation spec that is the way PMCC designed it based on their testing. I wouldn't change it. Smaller wheel cylinders on rear is typical across nearly all manufacturers. It is because of the way the car is balanced out from front to rear weight wise. Usualy more braking effect is needed on the front. With the single line master cylinders pressure is always equal to each wheel cylinder. The smaller WC acts FIRST and moves fastest but applies less pressure to the shoes. The bigger WC applies more pressure to the shoes but slower. Its a balncing act of shoe pressure, and speed of action that is determined by rigorous testing. Front of car heavier than rear of car.

Changing the wheel cylinder size from spec is ok up to 1/16" variation but no more than that. Prefer OEM spec. Unless u're pulling 7000 pound trailers thru the Rockies or trying to win 24 hours of LeMans i would not change the wheel cylinder size.

Sometimes aftermarket wheel cylinder parts-book reference will vary by 1/16" and that's ok but not prefered.

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