Re: Torsion Ride Troubleshooting

Posted by Ross On 2012/12/20 6:20:28
Once the car is sitting nicely level front to rear, then doublecheck how much out of level it is side to side. It is not unusual for one bar to settle more over time than the other. Side to side level is easily corrected by installing a longer "pin" on the low side. This is the vertical link you can see on your front suspension right next to the shock absorber. They come in different lengths and for a one inch sag I would recommend the next longest link which is 5/8 longer. It works exactly the same way as putting on higher heels on your shoes.

If your search this site you will find many pages on the topic. But before rushing to do that, do a close inspection of stabilizer and other rubber cored bushings and get them up to snuff as they all have an effect. For example, its not unusual for the rear torque arm bushings on 56s to be pulled almost clean through their mounts making the car a good 5/8" lower all by themselves.

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