Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....

Posted by patgreen On 2013/2/12 18:39:55
We aren't there yet....

If I have mine rebuilt....I'm in the Chicago area and know no one who seems fully qualified to do this. Cost to rebuild seems to be about $3500 (at either coast) plus removal and installation. It also means one person to R&R and another to do the rebuild, which complicates things if there are problems.

The R400 replacement is local; total cost is about $3500. Having the R400 also gives me overdrive for easy cruising. 70mph at roughly 2400 RPM vs. 3000 which may give slightly better mileage but seems like it would be easier on the motor.

Worst case scenario is still to save the ultramatic for the next owner.

EDIT: Following the link above, I ended up talking to the man in California. Has anyone used him? He claimed to have done many Ultramatics, especially from Canada. He noted that since the Ultramatic Dynamics person had died he was getting business as a result. Is that person deceased?

It was a very unusual conversation, though possibly the term "monologue" fits better.

FWIW the price is about $3500 and takes 14 days......

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