Disassembling Tail Light Bodies for Re-Chroming

Posted by Tim Wile On 2013/5/27 11:08:42
Hi Gang. I'm in the process of sending out my Patrician's tail lamp bodies to get re-chromed and I've run into a bit of a snag in attampting to remove the reverse light fixture from the lamp body. I'm pretty confident that these fixtures can and should be removed for re-chroming, but they appear to be pretty snugly fit into the body. The part that has me stumped is the fact that there appears to be flanges on both sides of the body opening to keep the reverse light fixture firmly in place.

Before I do something really stupid and ruin either the reverse lamp fixture and/or the tail light body, I thought I would seek some sage advice from some of you V-8 owners who might have already accomplished this little task. I'm sure that this fixture is removable.

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