Specific treadle-vac problem

Posted by Allen Kahl On 2013/6/16 10:26:54
I know there are several specific threads on the treadle vac brake booster but rather than try and sift thru all the posts to try and pry out info on my problem I figured I would just start a new thread. On my wifes Patrician, when we got it some years ago 2004-5, we drove it around before accepting it. Most of the mechanical stuff was done except for the brakes. As soon as the car was in place for a lengthy time I removed the brake booster and shipped it to Ed Strain in Florida for rebuild. Skip forward a bit and the unit was reinstalled and functioned quite well. After the restoration was complete, we drove the car to a couple of shows and all functioned well. We then embarked on buying land and a new home. When we moved into the new home we transported the car to the new home and garage. There it sat. Several attempts to start it failed. A friend of mine and I tore the carb apart and cleaned it and reinstalled it. Fresh gas and it started up almost immediately. In moving the car out of the garage I almost drove it into the side of the house because pushing on the brake pedal was like trying to push on a block of concrete without much reaction on the brakes.

As of yesterday I have removed the treadle-vac and opened it up. What should I look for? The vacuum hose appears to be intact. However that does not mean that it does not leak. Is there anything I can check while it is on the bench, or is my only option to send it back to Ed. There is no way he will work on this unit under his warranty after all this time, and I would not even ask him to. I have tried to push the plunger by hand and it will not move. What possibly could have happened to make the unit useless just from sitting? I could understand the engine being balky from sitting, but the brake booster?????


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