V8 Rebuilding

Posted by John Payne On 2013/7/6 0:42:22
G'day Men, I read all the valuable comments about V8's on this website and I think some of the questions asked could be answered with the info contained in the attached article written some years ago by the late Dick Benjamin of Temecula, Southern CA. If it's already common knowledge then please take it easy on me.

Many will know that Dick was, apart from one of nature's true gentlemen, a very knowledgeable person about Packards and he emailed me a copy of this article after I bought my '56 Patrician from him. He said the article once appeared in the Cormorant and he gave me permission to use it wherever I could for the benefit of others, and it was recently published in our Club magazine, the Packardian. The copy I received from Dick wasn't the best resolution, but I hope it is helpful to someone else using this website. Regards, John

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