Re: 1955 700R4 conversion

Posted by Michael C Wauhop On 2013/7/17 1:53:50
Well Im preparing to take the plunge-sometime on thurday Im going to call Bendtsen's and order the transmission + conversion kit for my 1955 400. A friend of mine who is a retired mechanic will help me put it in my car. I can't wait ill finally be able to drive it. As I recount all the Ultra's my car has toasted through the years:2006-2009-2013, I must say the best one I ever had was the original tranny that lasted 51 years till it blew up in the summer of 2006 ( I bought the car in 2003) I even put 1200 miles on that tranny in the 2005 trip to Boston with no problems. I never recieved more than 3 years of service out of subsequent rebuilt twin-Ultramatics, and had one self-destruct after 3months in one case. I dont blame the rebuilders either-no one wants to see a car come back to the shop after busting thier hump on it; I just think this unit is a bear to rebuild ( as ive had more than one automatic transmission repairmen tell me) and if its not rebuilt 100% correct it is unreliable. I plant to start the project the first week in august and ill inform you guys how it goes.

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