Re: Fuel injected Packard V8

Posted by BH On 2013/8/10 9:09:19
The red engine colour, if original, indicates it was originally a Clipper engine. A 320? Should be painted ivory with those valve covers!!

No, this engine started out life as a 352. It's not factory R&D, but a racer's work in progress, destined for installation in a 74 Chevy Vega for an attempt at a land speed record at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

The photo above was submitted by one of the AACA forum admins, but the real man behind the project later registered and chimed in. I have little interest in the AACA forums, anymore, but you may find the thread, Packard A Salt Car, of interest.

Packard, however, was actually in the process of evaluating FI systems for production - from several suppliers - back in 55. They even fitted a Bosch mechanical system to a 55 352 (a Clipper, IIRC). Years later, the system wound up in the hands of member 56executive, and decades later, he installed it on his 56 Exec.

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