Re: Twin Ultramatic Range?

Posted by Joe Hall On 2013/12/7 9:33:47
Agree on the Pack V8, more than up to the chore. Also agree with, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", esp when it comes to the Ultramatic.
In the late 1980s, under the late John Bryan's tutelage in Oceanside, CA. I rebuilt an Ultra for a 56J I owned back then.
It was a fairly simple transmission to work on, but finicky in that when everything shoulda been OK according to specs, it still did not operate correctly. I had to remove it from the car again and replace the TC clutch, then again and replace the rear pump.
Once the bugs were ironed out, it held up well. It is still in service, last time I heard from the car's current owner a few years ago. Though he is now quite elderly and drives it very little.
In addition to using every innovation John B. had came up with over the decades (i.e. steel backed, perforated bushings, steel parking lever, etc.), I used BMW motorcycle seals for the shift and passing gear shafts in the tranny body. It never leaked much.
All in all, it came out OK, but I would not want to open another can of worms like that.
Sounds like yours is close enough :)

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