Re: Easy driver?

Posted by Craig the Clipper Man On 2014/1/28 15:39:33
Mr. Peterson:

I might certainly be wrong about how long radials last compared to bias plies. When I was in high school in Southern California in the mid 1970s when radials were introduced, there was a lot of arguments about which tire was better; but it quickly became clear which type was superior and in less than 10 years, bias plies had pretty much disappeared, except on the corners of tire racks. As far as how many years a bias ply tire can last; you've got me there. But I do know that in terms of how many miles you can put on a radial tire vs. a bias ply, there is no comparison. Radials in general last about 40,000 miles. I can't remember any bias lasting much more than 20,000. Here is a side by side comparison:

Radial Tire:

Sidewall flex is not transmitted to the tread. The footprint only lengthens. There is little transversal slip The radial tire allows the machine to transfer more power to the ground.

Thanks to the flexibility and strength of the tire, the tire absorbs shocks, impact and bumps. The result is a better ride and better operator comfort.

Bias Ply Tire

All sidewall flex is transmitted to the tread. The footprint deforms and there is an increase in tire slip. The tire does not contact as much ground as a radial tire, leading to a loss of engine power transmission and greater ground damage.

Due to the stiffness of the tire, it does not absorb bumps on the ground. All impact and shaking is felt by the driver and machine.

As a result, radial tires provide:

* Lower fuel consumption.
* Less ground compaction and damage.
* Greater productivity. More of your machines power is actually used.
* Reduction in tire replacement thanks to the longer service life of radial tires.

That is just my 2 cents as far as tires are concerned.

The most critical thing as far as any tire is concerned -- whether bias or radial -- is maintaining proper air pressure and frequent inspections for abnormal wear or damage caused by improper alignment or road damage. I am 100 percent Mr. Peterson will agree with me here!

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