Re: 1955 Caribbean brake question

Posted by d c On 2014/11/1 14:47:01
Thanks for that info on the strength of the factory pedal. If I were to take on this venture I would,as has been done by many in the past, prefer to swap a pedal assm and master into a vehicle as a whole rather than mix and match but using the info on ratios will work. I agree with you that the master bore size anw wheel cyl size comes into play but not in the same magnitude as the pedal ratio and booster design. Most masters are right around 1 in and wh cyls 7/8,-1. All else being equal in a system- I had experience with the factory reps reccomending a change on a rear wheel cyl size to suit a condition or cust concern. ie 7/8 to 1 inch or 1-1/8 in to 1 for a sensitive rear brake or a heavily loaded trk (plummers) etc.

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