Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean

Posted by d c On 2015/1/26 8:42:58
It would be interesting to hear from others experiences on this topic. Ewrecks seems to have had similar issues others have encountered. I can post my specific experience and outcome for ref. Dude, I have to disagree with your statements.
Encountering these atttitudes as a younger man, I would have paid for the info and made it available to all free upon request to punish the offenders but now age and experience has taught me that this would only cause a "change" or update in the judging criteria as those who feel they have some "important info" to protect scramble to maintain their perceived importance. Like I said- Its all about the money, not about preserving "true" correctness.

These same preservationists are also the ones addind all available options to their cars even though the vehicle never originally was equipped for judging purposes. Dual 4 barrels and a/c etc. Sham
These attitudes along with the Hoarding and charging for info are what drive enthusiasts away from the preservation side of the hobby.

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