Re: torsion level gear box rubber

Posted by Loyd Smith On 2008/11/22 10:27:03
HH56, thanks for getting the thread back on track. I didn't mean to hi-jack it with my comment but perhaps I should apologise to Eric and the younger members of our group and qualify my previous post.

I have encountered, just in the past few months, one young man and one young lady at a couple of the national chain, parts houses in the local area who went out of their way to help me locate parts for my car. Neither lasted very long.

One of the formerly locally owned chain stores that I used for years recently became part of a national chain and their helpfulness, to me, has deteriorated noticeably.

I applaud all young people who have somehow acquired a respect for quality service in today's prevailing corporate atmosphere that predominantly rewards (and punishes) employees and managers seemingly solely on the basis of sales volume.

Currently, the most helpful parts house in my immediate locale happens to be a company owned national chain store - rather than one of their franchises - but they have one employee whose sole function seems to be dealing with customers looking for parts that aren't cross referenced in their computer database. He's an old guy and has his own undoubtedly, "outdated," references (they'd have to be --- they're printed). I appreciate him and appreciate the fact that they're attempting to service ALL of their potential customers but - I'd still go there for parts if he was a young guy or, even better, a young, good-looking woman.

I ain't prejudiced, I just want to find parts that will fit my car.

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