Re: 1955 Suspension video

Posted by HH56 On 2016/2/2 10:05:46
The cartoon is cute and gets the point across but IMO, the absolute best video of TL in operation is a comparison made of three fine cars crossing some very rough railroad tracks in the Detroit area.

All the cars were covered in fabric to disguise them but one make was obvious. The three cars drove over the tracks at a way too fast for the condition speed. The Packard had the wheels wildly jumping up and down as in the cartoon but other than that, the car sailed thru with complete dignity and hardly more than a slight change in body position. One of the other fine cars had the body violently moving up and down and almost seemed to lose control as it passed thru the rough spot. The other fine car went airborne and came down with a shower of sparks as the underside hit the pavement. I forget which of the brand X cars suffered the indignity of a hubcap coming off and flying thru the air but that was an added attraction.

A portion of that video is on the DVD of Allison and the TL system sold by Motor City Packards. Unfortunately the quality of the portion on the DVD suffers a bit. Words can describe what happens but until one actually views the entire video, just how good the suspension and how humorous the comparison test is cannot be appreciated. It would be nice to see that same comparison video in its entirety and in the quality which has been shown at various PAC meets made avilable on You Tube.

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