Re: torsion level

Posted by Craig Hendrickson On 2016/3/21 18:02:46
MrBumble Quote:
The self leveling system is another thing entirely. It worked OK for a couple of years and then quit due, as far as I can tell, to a worn-out compensator motor, which I replaced. The guy who did that job could not figure out the wiring, so I have not used it for more than a year.

Some people, including mechanics that should know better, are mystified by the T-L leveler (compensator) control system. I've found it to be quite reliable even after 60 years. To me, the "high tech" aspect of this sophisticated suspension is a big part of its charm. The other part is that it actually works really well. I've had the whole T-L system apart on my Panther including the bars removed and compensator gearbox disassembled, but I'm a graduate engineer. Still, it isn't that hard. LOL!


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