Re: 1956 Caribbean hardtop options on a Four Hundred

Posted by Leeedy On 2016/3/25 17:58:50

56P400 wrote:
Gracias, Leeedy!

Shortest way for sure would be directly from Detroit to Puebla (where O'Farril was assembling Packards and which is even a bit farther south than Mexico city) via Texas, but of course, I don't have a clue as to why send them to California first... perhaps Earle (with an E, thanks!) was the distributor who had the relationship with the O'Farril family... or as you say, some were sent by him directly.

Thanks again!

Well? Again, I don't know about this specific car for sure... or anything about Packard's corporate policies vis-a-vis Mexico. However, one could look at it this way: Prepare a set of auto shipping train cars from Detroit... especially just to go all the way directly to Mexico? Or add a few more cars KD'd onto a trainload already bound for SoCal, and then route the handful out from there? Shortest distance isn't always the cheapest-especially when it comes to economies of scale.

And remember too that Mr. Anthony wasn't just West Coast Distributor... he was also on the Packard Board of Directors too... at least for a while.

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