Re: Windshield wipers not working

Posted by JeffM On 2008/12/17 22:40:38
From the balancing valve in Pic3 drawing you posted, the hose goes to jar as shown in my 2nd photo. The hose goes in the jar and then, attaches to a nipple under the solenoid below the jar cap (i.e. inside the jar and beneath the solenoid). Also beneath the solenoid is a 2nd nipple. This attaches to a 6-inch hose that just sucks water out of the jar. It goes to the bottom of the jar.

In my 1st photo (wiper control device), the hose coming out of the left side of the motor goes into the dash through the gromet. I have no clue why there is not another hose going into that same gromet to perhaps feed water to the hose coming out and going to the black motor (I assume that's what it is).

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