56 Clipper starting issue

Posted by JeffM On 2008/12/31 20:09:18
Here goes another little bug I want to address.

The car runs great (thanks to all who helped me understand timing and how to get 'er done).

As to starting, here's a tiny issue, but one I want to perfect....

In the morning, and sometimes during the afternoon after the car has sat a while, I will turn the key to start it.

Sometimes, before I turn the key, I will press the gas peddle down once. Sometimes, I do not. I haven't quite figured a pattern to use to solve the problem, so I am more or less randomly trying different start-up procedures as far as to press or not press the gas first.

Okay, either way (I guess, since I don't see a pattern yet), the car will just start to fire and then, die. After that, I turn the key again. It might take 4-5 seconds or so, and then it usually fires right up.

So, why does it fire right out of the bag, then die, and then, not fire at all until after 4-5 seconds of turning the key?

I wonder if it immediately floods a little on the first try, preventing it from firing all the way up. That's kind of my thought since I have to turn the key 4-5 seconds to finally start it up, as if maybe I am having to burn off some gas (taking about 4-5 seconds) before it will fire up.


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