Re: 56 Clipper starting issue

Posted by John On 2009/1/2 11:33:40
I would advise to pay close attention to HH56's statement:
"A couple of words of caution. Make sure you follow the manual for your particular carb and when disassembling, be extra extra careful to account for any tiny ball valves & springs which drop out and may or may not be in kit. The rebuild is not terribly hard, but if anything lost or messed up can get you in worse shape than now",
and would add to make sure you get the correct kit for your carb. The identificaton number should be on the tag mounted to one of the corner screws on the carb body.
It has been my experience that some kits come with cardboard "gauges" for adjusting the floats, but most auto stores sell a small ruler with a sliding "T bar" that can be used. I was a certified mechanic for years before moving into the IT field, and my tool box had at least two of those at all times. One other hint is that you will save yourself a lot of headaches if you clamp a piece of 24 to your workbench to act as a raised platform while working on the carb (with the base and linkage attached).

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