Re: '55 Ultramatic won't go into reverse

Posted by hotrodv840 On 2017/8/10 10:55:26
So I got reverse to work fine months ago after starting this thread and I simply put the sleeve back on the rod for the reverse servo. I had removed the servo and disassembled it and everything seemed fine. I recently lost reverse again. Fluid level was right around the full mark. I dropped the pan expecting the same issue of the sleeve falling out again, but no, it's still in place. The rocker that touches the top of the reverse servo rod was fine too. Then I thought perhaps the level was just a tad low even though forward gears engaged firmly. I put the pan on with the same old gasket just to test (so yes it leaked a little), threw the old fluid back in there plus two quarts of new fluid to get the level just a little above full, and reverse still wouldn't work.

Anyone have any suggestions on where to go from here?

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