Re: Radiator recording

Posted by Leeedy On 2018/9/13 10:16:00

56Clippers wrote:
I'm going to recore the radiator in my 56 Clipper and would like to know if anyone knows how the cores differ between the three listed part numbers. There are radiators listed for junior, senior, and air conditioned cars. With only one water pump option, the flow would have to be controlled by the limitation of the radiator. I plan to add air conditioning and would like to have the capacity in the radiator. Thanks.

Remember if you are adding A/C... factory A/C had a different fan. So just beefing up the radiator core won't do the whole job if you don't have a fan capable of pulling a lot of air through that beefy core. It's not so much the water pump that matters... it's the fan.

The cores I used to install in Packards that were similar or on par with factory A/C were known as "desert-cooler" cores that were at least 4-row.

And even if you are adding a modern foreign compressor, today's A/C systems operating on R-134 really have to work a lot harder than they did with freon-especially when idling or in traffic on a hot day or at low speeds. And the little compressors designed to work on imports with a small interior and small evaporator really have to push to get the interior of a big 1950s American car cooled down. So they need all the help they can get.

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