Re: Paint

Posted by HH56 On 2018/11/28 10:37:06
And unless you are painting the entire car I would be careful of using any paint made by formula -- even modern -- because the car could have faded or changed color in some respect over the years. New original color to formula paint next to the old might stick out like a neon sign.

IMO, if you are trying to touch up and it is possible to take something like a gas filler lid off the car do that and have it matched to what the paint looks like now. I did that with the 47 and the guy made a perfect match to the however many year old Earl Scheib or equivalent $29.95 paint job special that is on the car.

If you are looking for formula paint you might find the color at TCP Global but it will be modern material. Being that you are in Calif, even the choices you can buy are seriously restricted compared to what someone in another state could have made and shipped to them. Our Air Resources board and their apparent motto of "If it stinks, don't allow it in California" is very persuasive when it comes to shipping something to a Calif zip code.

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