Re: Trying to separate carburetor halves held together by metal hanger.

Posted by Leeedy On 2019/6/26 13:05:31

the_storyteller wrote:
I'm currently in the process of attempting to revive a (I believe) 1956 Packard Patrician.

I have the carburetor mostly disassembled, and I'm to the part where the top should lift off the bottom, revealing the float chambers and floats dangling from the top, but while loose, the halves are held together by a little "hanger" thing, which had some sort of needle valves hanging on it. I pried carefully at the offending bit, and it stubbornly refused to yield.

How can I take out the metal hanger bit and remove the top half of the carburetor from the bottom half?

A 1956 Patrician with the stock original carburetor would have had a Rochester, not a Carter. Carters were on Clippers.

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