Re: Did Chevy consider Packard V8 BB Design?

Posted by Jack Vines On 2009/2/21 12:36:03
Anyone know the similarities/differences between heads on the Packard and BB Chevy?

on the later BB would chime in here.

Geez, how many disclaimers do I have to put on a post without it resulting in all this scolding?

We've been over this many times before, but internet urban legends seem to be like radio waves broadcast into space - they will always be out there somewhere. Obviously the OP of thread referenced had never even SEEN a Packard V8 head and a big block Chevy head or he would immediately recognize they share absolutely no design features.

By internet standards, this forum is a paragon of civility. Most of us are older and a bit more restrained. Try getting it wrong on a forum which attracts the younger crowd and see what comes! If Craig's and my answer comes across as "scolding", we apologize. Questions are good; but like prayers, sometimes the answer is "no."

thnx, jack vines

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