Re: How Good is '55 Non-TL Suspension?

Posted by 55PackardGuy On 2009/4/7 22:40:41

greendragon wrote:
In one of the films a bout the t/l system there is a fully working scale model sitting on a tablr they use for a demo. as a packard guy and an avid model builder i wonder where it is today?

Ya missed it, dragon! Look back at my previous post with the UTube link. In addition to Proving Grounds footage of '56 models (and a comparison with a '54 over some of the same terrain) it has indoor shots that include the narrator and a "model," also with shots of the miniature T/L chassis and a coupla guys.

I suppose it's possible the model T/L is still around, but it was probably a one-off or one of very few.

I think HH56 MIGHT have been thinking of a thread on AACA where someone had located a full-sized chassis that was specially made up and painted to show off features of the T/L at auto shows. Last I remember, the fellow who had found it was making plans to get it to the Packard museum.

And, of course, there's Henry's '55 Constellation body-off restoration and his current "rolling chassis." Plenty of pics on the Project Blogs. Probably the cleanest T/L chassis we'll ever see.

I'm still interested in the real cost to Packard of introducing the T/L and whether they realized any profit from it. It really sold cars, but that doesn't always relate directly to the bottom line.

If the '55 models had better bodywork and fewer engine/transmission problems, I think the sales would have continued to climb, based largely on a one-of-a-kind suspension. Unfortunately, when you have a feature that really sells a product, it can spread the news about other weaknesses just that much faster.

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