Oil pump change on 56 Packard 400

Posted by Ernie Baily On 2023/8/26 10:42:21
I just finished the oil pump change/conversion on my brothers 56 Packard 400. We purchased the kit and olds pump from Jack Vines, I followed the instructions from Jack and the pan removal instruction from the manual. I had to remove a few more things that the manual stated in order to drop the pan. Once I had everything down and clean it went along pretty easy. I used Jacks advice to replace the pan by making a couple of studs for the front two pan bolts in order to install the front cork pan gaskets. We formed the pan gasket to make it easier to install the pan without moving it to insure that it was in correctly, we applied the cork gasket to the engine(a grove on the engine, which allows you to seat the gasket first and then install the pan over the two studs), The rest was just put things back on in the reverse order you took them off. I used 10-30w oil and the oil pressure is at about 20psi at idle and then increase to 60psi as you increase the engine speed. So far all seems great, no more lifter noise too!
Once again Thank You to Jack Vines for the oil pump kit.

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