Re: transmission

Posted by HH56 On 2023/9/3 11:41:42
Very possibly the fingers but unless a finger was caught by the sector and bent they usually fail or wear to the point contact to the segment is lost and nothing moves or else it may stop and start a time or two when a particular button is pushed. A terminal loose or coming out of the plastic plug under the dash can have the same symptom.

It could also be the anti hunt adjustment on the actuator has worn or is out of adjustment. It sort of depends on what gear the transmission is in and what button is pushed when it happens. It almost sounds as if the clicking is because the actuator is going past where it needs to stop and then rapidly reversing a time or two going back and forth as it overshoots when trying to stop at the proper point. Each time the motor reverses there is a distinct click from the shift relay. Usually though it only clicks a few times before it finally is able to stop.

A less likely cause could be the auto park relay sticking or not actuating when ign sw is turned on so is still powering the park finger when another button is pushed and powers its finger. In that scenario the actuator wants to go both directions so does not know what to do. Usually if that has happened there is more of a loud buzzing than clicking sound coming from the shift relay. If left in that condition long enough the circuit breaker opens or damage to the motor occurs.

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