Winshield Gasket - Again

Posted by John On 2009/4/16 20:10:17
Okay Y'all,
I'm at a point where I need to be able to "seal" up my '55 Constellation so I can store parts (upholstery, etc.) inside the car, thus giving me room to work in the garage. Unfortunately, the car cannot fit in the garage due to a wall constructed by previous house owners, so it must stay in the driveway while I work on it. I'da like to be able to install all of the glass so I can protect the contents from the weather, but I don't want to install the "real" replacement gaskets until after the car is nearing completion. Has anyone used the generic windshield gaskets from J.C. Whitney, or any other product that costs less than the Steele replacement gaskets for the windshield and rear window? I have come to the conclusion that I will have to eventually spring for the $200+ each gaskets, from Steele, but I don't want to install them now, and take a chance on damaging them before the car is done.
Also, does anyone have a drawing, or photo, of the gasket "profile" for the OEM style gaskets (my glass was already removed when I bought the car and the remains of the seals are hard and brittle)?
Lastly, has anyone tried installing glass with the butyl seal used in modern cars, and if so, how easy is it to remove the glass after it has been in place for a while (6 months to 1 year).

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